

It is a collective initiative of a group of young artists residing in Gaza Strip. These youth believe in the significance of artistic entities amid the absence of large visual arts incubators. Such efforts derive from their certainty of discovering young talents and transmitting knowledge by education, practical training, and artistic dialogue to develop their notions. The group aims to the networking with the largest possible base of institutions and audiences at the local, regional and international levels to exchange knowledge and opportunities. Furthermore, the group seeks to empower artistic products in Gaza Strip to activate offers and sharing on the widest scale. Since 2010, the team has succeeded in establishing a non-profit environment for visual art which joins a space for artwork display, ceremonies for artistic production, workshop for engraving and printmaking, and non-periodic sessions for dialogues and discussions on arts, in addition to a library of a number of books and various sources. The team seeks to provide opportunities for the younger generation of artists by designing sufficient programs and activities to meet the needs of art practices in the strip.